Create New Appeal

Generally, your Appeal must be filed with the State Tax Commission (STC) on or before September 30 of the year of assessment, or within thirty (30) days of the decision of the Board of Equalization, whichever is later.

NOTE: These filing deadlines are set by statute, the STC cannot extend them.


Please select the Attorney representing this appeal from the list below. If the Attorney is not listed, click the Create Attorney Record button to register them in the system.

The taxpayer must sign the Complaint for Review unless the property is owned in the name of a trust, business, or other legal entity. If the property is owned by a corporation, partnership, trust, association, estate, or other legal entity, Missouri law requires an attorney to sign the Complaint for Review and represent the appeal before the STC.

Important Information:

  • Online filing of a single appeal must be completed within 30 minutes or less or the system will "time out." The system cannot properly process an appeal that is started and then stopped and restarted, which causes the system to see the second attempt to file as a "duplicate." If you encounter this error, the system purges incomplete appeals overnight, so you must wait to re-enter the appeal 24 hours after the first attempt to file.
  • When you have input all required information and uploaded documents, you will see a final page that summarizes all of the information and asks you to review, enter an electronic signature, and click "submit." You will then receive a message confirming the submission and an email with your appeal number.
  • Please have all necessary documents available for uploading before beginning to input data.
  • Please do not upload evidence at this time. The only documents necessary to file an appeal are the documents that support your standing to file the appeal, such as BOE Decision Letter, a tax bill, or a closing statement.
  • If you have attempted to file online and have encountered the "duplicate appeal" error more than once, please download and complete the PDF Complaint for Review of Assessment on our website. Email the completed form along with your BOE decision letter to
